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Salish Sea
Acknowledgment of Additional Risks and Responsibilities Regarding Covid-19
In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Earth Elements has developed a set of operational guidelines to minimize the risk that you, other guests and our staff will become infected with COVID-19. Like many of the other hazards that we encounter in the outdoors, exposure to COVID-19 will always be a possibility. Because of the character of the disease and the nature of outdoor recreation, Earth Elements can only mitigate the risks, not eliminate them.
When participating in guided group outdoor recreation activities your choices affect others, and you share a responsibility to help mitigate the risk that COVID-19 poses to yourself and others.
​Before joining Earth Elements on a tour, you affirm:
That you have been practicing social distancing, wearing proper personal protection including masks in work and public settings.
That you are not prematurely leaving a quarantine or 14-day shelter in place to attend your scheduled tour, and you have had no known or obvious exposure to someone with COVID-19 in the past two weeks.
That you are in good health and believe you are free from infection .
While on your tour with Earth Elements, you affirm that you will:
Follow the directions set out by Earth Elements to help minimize contact throughout the entirety of your tour.
Strive to maintain a social distance of at least 6 feet between yourself and other members of the group.
Wear a facial covering any time six feet of distance between yourself and another person cannot be maintained and cover all coughs and sneezes at all times.
Refrain from sharing food, beverages any equipment or other personal items with other participants whom you do not already live with.
Refrain from shaking hands, fist bumps and any other forms of interpersonal contact.
By agreeing to participate in a program with Earth Elements, you acknowledge that:
Maintaining a distance of six feet between yourself and others is not always possible.
According to the CDC, persons with certain conditions or factors may be at a higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19. Those conditions and risk factors include, but are not limited to: Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Diabetes, Serious heart conditions, Chronic kidney disease that is being treated with dialesis, liver disease, People ages 60 and older, those who are immunocompromised.​
Despite the steps that Earth Elements and yourself have taken, there is still possibility that you may come in contact with someone who is ill. You may become ill yourself. You​ you may be asked to leave your trip and/or your trip may be terminated early. You are responsible for any additional expenses incurred due to self-quaretining or becoming ill, including but not limited to:Additional nights of lodging, flight or reservation change fees, and/or any further medical care including testing costs.
If you have to leave your program due to illness or suspected illness, you agree to follow up with Earth Elements and inform us whether or not you have been confirmed to have COVID-19.
Traditional Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) requires a rescuer to place their mouth over the patient's to provide rescue breaths, while also providing chest compressions to keep the heart beating. This places the rescuer in harm's way if the patient has COVID-19, or any other communicable disease. In accordance with The American Heart Association guidelines, Earth Elements guides are not required to provide rescue breathing during an incident that requires CPR due to the risk associated with your activity.
If you choose to not follow these guidelines, cannot make the above affirmations, or falsify any information regarding COVID-19 and your health, you acknowledge that you will not be allowed to participate and may be expelled from your scheduled tour.
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